Sunday, October 27, 2013



I have to apologise for being useless.. I know, I've neglected my blog and I need to change that.

But I do have good news - I have been very busy baking over the past god knows how long and I have lots of awesome things to share with you.

I'm going to make a couple changes (good ones, I promise!) such as adding recipe reviews from popular cake decorating magazines and maybe some books and giving you any useful tips I've picked up along the way.

So, I guess you may be wondering what I've been up to recently? (If not, don't read the rest of this!). I have been very busy baking and bombarding the world of facebook with my latest bakes. Give it a like if your on there!
I have also enrolled on a City and Guilds Cake Decorating course - which is awesome!

Okay, I hope you enjoy my future posts :)




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