Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to make - cute bunny bums!

Possibly the most simplest (but effective) bun decorations I've ever done, any one can do this and it is worth giving it ago :)

1. First bake your buns, any size you like will do!
2. Apply a layer of spreadable icing to your buns, it is entirely up to you what you use, however, I personally prefer the flavour given from butter icing
3. Cut out circles out roll out icing in your chosen which will fit your chosen size buns.
4. Make little 'tear-drop' shaped tails from your chosen colour icing. I used white for a more traditional look.
5. Next you need to make the feet - make 2 ovals out of the fur icing per bun. Then, this is where it get's fiddly!, made the paws out of pink icing (or a different colour if that's what colour the fur is!!). I like to make 3 small circles and one large for my paws, however if you're making loads of buns and want to keep it more simple you can make 1 large circle.
6. The Grass! Make butter icing and colour it green, the put it in your piping bag and use either a small circle nozzle or grass nozzle (flat circle with many small holes) to make the grass. I got mine from the 'my cake decorating magazine' however you can get them from all good cake decorating shops and eBay.
7. Ta-dah!! You're bunny bums are done!

I used Renshaw Ready to Roll icing in my buns as I like the vibrant colours they give and the brown roll out icing is also chocolate flavoured, which went down well in our house!


Melissa x

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